Benefits of mindful meditation for older adults!

As we age, we may worry more about our physical health, but that does not mean we can let our mental health go. Mindful meditation promotes many physical and psychological benefits. Meditation is all about cultivating presence, awareness, and non-judgment. The mental training practice offers a different way of dealing with stress, by calming the mind and body.

When you meditate your breath slows down, heart rate slows, blood pressure decreases, stress decreases, and tension in the body decreases. Instead of worrying about the future or ruminating on the past, mindfulness meditation focuses on the present, blocking out modern-day distractions.

Mindful meditation has many potential physical and psychological benefits for older adults, including better focus, enhanced calmness, less stress, and improved sleepResearch shows that mindfulness and meditation can reduce depression and pain and boost emotional well-being. It can even help adults come to terms with the challenges of aging
Mindfulness helps manage moods and emotions, giving you space between a stimulus and your reaction. It even reduces loneliness and helps with inflammation!


Some Easy Ways to Begin Practicing Mindful Meditation:

Start by sitting still or lying down in a quiet place. Take deep diaphragmatic breaths. Focus on inhaling and exhaling and acknowledge any other physical sensations your body is telling you about. Whether lying down or standing, check-in with your posture.
Try to completely clear your mind. Random thoughts will attempt to distract you. Acknowledge those thoughts with kindness and invite them to relax and release. Feel the breath in your belly. When you are ready, take a moment to give thanks for your body and mind, pat yourself on the back for taking time out for yourself, and notice how you feel.
